
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Global FPIES Day

Here we are folks, our first Global FPIES Day.  My awesome FPIES Jamberry nail wraps are on, I have a teal streak in my hair and teal pedicured toenails. The conversation, advocacy, education and FPIES awareness has begun.  Let's face it, it started long ago for my family and many families living with FPIES, but now we have a day to celebrate! Yes, celebrate FPIES! Why? You ask. Because those of us who live with this crazy thing everyday are ELATED it has a name and our child has a diagnosis . We are thrilled that we aren't alone on the journey and other families are experiencing the same things we are. We have confirmation we AREN'T crazy parents - that violent vomiting after certain meals isn't normal and it's way more than colic and my kid doesn't have a new "GI virus " everyday.  We are celebrating that more and more  people are becoming aware of FPIES due to grassroots efforts by those of us living with FPIES and The FPIES Foundation. More and more doctors are becoming FPIES wise each and everyday. There is  just so much to celebrate!

It's not been an easy month here for Jack and although not directly related to FPIES, it's sure made it very difficult for him while he has been fighting bacterial pneumonia and a viral infection.  I will write about this when I have slept more than just a few short hours.

So today, please update your Facebook status and let your community know it's Global FPIES Day. Send them on over to . Help educate and advocate for Jack and all his fellow FPIES buddies around the globe. Thank you!

Be well friends,

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